Saturday, 6 October 2012

New life in the saddle

About a year ago I nose dived out of  fitness when my feet decided they had had enough of keeping me moving and I spent 5 months on the sick sorting them out. 
I went from going running and doing the Military style boot camp to keep me from being stressed to nothing. Then in August I had had enough of sitting round (resting my feet) time had come to get of my idle stressed out arse and buy a bike. 
I thought long and hard about how much to spend I could have jumped in with a grand and get a decent road bike plus equipment. BUT and there always is a but; what if I didn't like it then £1000 would be wasted. So I halved it and spent £299 on a Carrera TDF  and some bits and pieces for safety total spend £500 on the cycle2work scheme.
Almost 2 months in and I love it. I'm on Strava . Bike Radar is visited all the time. Now though I wish I got a better bike but will have to wait. I spent another £200 on summer clothing only now I have to get winter wear another £100 will soon be spent on warmer clothing.    
Jill rolls her eyes and switches off whenever I mention the word "cycle" and is not impressed at my spending because we are supposed to be saving for a house.  


  1. Great to see that you have been infected by the cycling bug Darren....
    We will have to arrange a ride sometime...perhaps you can join me on a sportive next year?
    My Son-in-Law has a TDF and it seems pretty good for the money. You did the right thing by being cautious on the first bike purchase...
    Great to see you now have a blog too....


  2. I'm really enjoying riding, I'm all over the Bike Radar Forum and on Strava too. Cycling is an epidemic everywhere I go there are racing bikes.

  3. As you say bikes are everywhere...Wait about a year and all these bikes will all be over on ebay...
    More to being a cyclist than just having the bike!!

  4. Oh yes I'll be all over them, mine selling at the same time. Get a better cycle to ride
